Saturday, February 27, 2010

Reading Reflection 5- I'm Thinking...'s going to be quite the task to have the students do more and for me to do less. I feel as though at the end of Clinical Practice 1 I was just beginning to practice this. Last semester I found myself modeling the teaching structure of my teacher so much so I did not allow too much exploration of who I want to be as a teacher. At one point last semester I came to the conclusion I was doing too much and my students were doing too little, and so I designed tasks that were centered around group work more so in the fashion of partnerships. Given the degree of work I've been assigned in my own educational experience this semester it is becoming overwhelmingly clear to me giving everyone a part is important. This can be done by the teacher as well as the students. In my experience when it is done by the students it is more so done in a manner that permits group members to get the task done independent of each other. In reading these chapters I see the value in the teacher developing relevant tasks and then assigning roles that do not permit for students to complete an assignment independent of each other.

It's interesting because as we begin to think about classroom management I can see group work being a whole other version of classroom management if done right. Also, in developing group work I think it would be best to have some sort of insight to who my students are in order to determine how to facilitate group work within the classroom so that it's productive. I'm excited about exploring the process of designing group work this semester. I know that at least one of my cooperating teachers will support me in this exploration. Both my classrooms are structured in such a way that permits anywhere from 2-4 students collaborating together, so I think that's a great start. I say this because last semester the set up of the classroom did not really permit for convenient collaboration experiences among the students.

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