Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Reading Reflection 6- Yvette Givens: Change Agent

In the current state of the economy and the effects it's having on the education system, I can not help but acknowledge how important it is for teachers to speak out. Taking into consideration my own personality, I acknowledge I still have growth in this area. Many times I struggle to articulate my inner voice. This has proven to be somewhat of a short coming in that many times I remain quiet when silence is the last thing anyone needs. As a tecaher it is my responsibility to speak out on behalf of myself, my students and the parents of my students. Even if the only ears I have are the parents of my students I need to become comfortable speaking out. Parents can be some of the most uninformed people when it comes to their child's education and the effect the budget crisis is having on it. In my mind parents are the biggest change agents government can face, and as the educator of their children I will work towards being their eyes and ears and informing them of what stands before their children and their children's children if things don't change.

The section in our reading titled, "Reflection In, On and About Action" is also a way in which I will work toward becoming a change agent.CSUSM's College of Education embraces this whole ideal of being a reflective practitioner, and this is something I see a lot of value in. Evoking a positive personal image, reading professional publications and then engaging in professional dialogue about those readings are also valuable in so much as staying attune to what's going on in eduation. There's nothing like being left in the dark. The only thing constant in this world is change, and staying up-to-date is a valuable way to effect change given the appropriate research of how the change effects one's classroom, school, and community.

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